Energy Efficient

You’ve read the articles on how to make your home more energy efficient and you’re friends and family have made suggestions, now it’s time to take some action.  By making a few minor improvements and upgrades you can ostensibly save up to 30% on your energy bills. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the average household can cut their energy bill by at least 20% by making simple improvement to their home. While some of the improvements may not seem worth the cost, over time, you’ll find that you’re saving more money on energy than your investment to upgrade. Give Mario Brothers Home Improvement a call and we can discuss ways to help reduce your bills and increase the value of your home.  Cost-efficient home repairs not only save you money but it also makes your home more environmentally-friendly. Here are a few examples on how Mario Brothers Home Improvement can increase the energy-efficiency of your home:

  • Install a Programmable Thermostat – When you have your thermostat properly set you won’t be over-using the heating or air-conditioning during the times you’re at work all day.

Average Savings: 5-20% or about $180/year

  • Add Door Sweeps and Shoe Gaskets – when attached to the bottom of the exterior door or threshold, these easy-to-install items will help prevent energy leaks and drafts therefore keeping the heat inside in the wintertime. You’re sure to notice savings on your first energy bill!
  • Install a Ceiling Fan – Ceiling Fans not only can help reduce energy bills but they add an aesthetic to your home which can increase the charm and value to your home. Ceiling Fans can help bring the rising warm air back down into the room and keep the room cool to reduce air conditioning use.
  • Insulate Hot Water Heater – When you insulate your hot water heater, you’ll be helping to maintain the higher temperature and therefore be reducing the energy used to heat the water.
  • Attic Insulation – When you have sufficient insulation, your attic can combat the overwhelming heat in the summer and cold in the winter to help prevent those energy bills from spiking during peak periods.

Call Mario Brothers Home Improvement and see the ways that we can make your home more energy-efficient and cost-effective.