As you take into consideration your long list of home improvement projects, you have to wonder, will these projects boost your home’s value? If you plan to live in your home long term, it’s less important to choose home improvement projects based on home value. However, if you plan to sell your home in the coming years, plan wisely. On the other hand, you may be able to improve your home’s value to take advantage of the equity. Not all projects off the same benefits, though.
Looking to Boost Your Home’s Value? These Projects Are Best
Some home improvement projects are simply ideal for improving value. Real estate agents often note these projects get a buyer’s attention in any market.
- Adding space, such as removing unimportant walls, adding windows for more light, and adding storage closets can boost the value of a home.
- Improving your home’s landscaping, adding outdoor entertainment space, and ensuring proper outdoor lighting can improve value.
- Going green, such as investing in high efficiency appliances, heating systems, and air conditioners, or adding solar panels or geothermal energy can help.
- Creating a stunning entrance way especially one that creates an impressive exterior view can help improve your home’s perception from the curb.
- Going with more natural materials in the home can help. Choose marble, granite, wood flooring, and travertine over laminates, for example.
The rooms of your home that add the most value when modernized include the bathroom and the kitchen. Don’t overlook the value of completing the basement, adding a deck, or even a second floor addition. Though these projects cost more out of pocket, they create more livable space and value to any home.
When it comes to your next home improvement project, focus on those tasks that improve your quality of life an add value to your home. This provides you with the ability to have a home that’s more personalized to meet your family’s needs, but still highly valuable. If you are planning to sell in the next year or so, talk to your real estate agent about the projects most popular in the local area today.
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