Is installing a Wireless Thermostat Easy?

Mark ZBlog, Home Improvement Tips and IdeasLeave a Comment

Room Thermostat - Image Credit:

Are you making the switch to a wireless thermostat? They are a great way to fine-tune your heating and cooling temperatures resulting in savings and more comfort for your home. The Lyric Thermostat is a newer model that works as a fully programmable option that response to commands from your smartphone.

While most people want to make the switch to smart technology in their homes, many are wondering if they are easy to install. If they are too complicated, it may not be worth the hassle. Here is a look at what to expect if you take on this DIY project.

Programmable Thermostats

Programmable thermostats are becoming a huge part of the change to make homes more efficient, greener and convenient. It pays to go green between choosing better insulation, correcting air leaks, choosing energy efficient roofing and more.

Programmable thermostats are a part of that movement because they allow you to turn your appliances off with a smart device, like turning the air conditioner off while you’re not home or having the heat turned back on right before you’re scheduled to be home from work on a chilly day. They are typically small devices that look great and do so much for your life.

How is the Installation?

The first thing you’ll be asked by the information when you open a wireless thermostat is whether or not you have a compatible wireless router. You may need to download an app on your phone and tablets to get the step-by-step instructions. You’ll have to remove your old thermostat, reattach low-voltage wires to the wiring harness on your new thermostat and mount it to the wall.

This typically takes about an hour to do. Make sure that you’ve turned off power to the circuit breaker and thermostat before attempting this and for those with a digital readout, check if it went to blank. With a battery backup, you’ll have to remove the batteries to ensure the power is really off.

Installation is really simple and you’ll need to dedicate some time to creating your own custom shortcuts to tell wireless thermostats like Lyric that you want to raise or lower the temperature of your home. You can turn down the heat in your home from your car if you have your smart device geared up and when you return home, your home’s temperature should match the temperature you’ve set it to on the app.

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