How can you Save Money on Your Home Remodel?

Mark ZBlog, Home Improvement Tips and IdeasLeave a Comment

Remodeling can get very expensive in a hurry. Just redoing the kitchen or a bathroom can set you back thousands of dollars. However, there are some ways you can save money on your home remodeling project. Here are a few of the top tips for remodeling on a budget.

Make Things More Efficient

Sometimes, you may want to increase the size of rooms in your home, but it’s better to make them more efficient. If your kitchen isn’t using the square footage well, increasing the efficiency instead of the size can save you a large sum of money. You may find out quickly that the upgrades and additions you think you need are not necessary, when you create a more efficient space.

Demo Yourself

Demo is an expensive process and can cost as much as $1,000 for a 200-square-foot area. However, if you do it yourself, you will only need to spend about half the cost of a pro to rent a dumpster and get the necessary permit. The savings can be very large if you need to demo an entire floor or multiple rooms.

Handle Clean Up Yourself

When the construction crew handles the clean-up, it can cost you as much as $200 per day. They are still getting paid when they clean up and time is money. Instead, you can save the clean-up fee each day and handle it yourself.

Remodel Outside of Peak Season

Contractors become a bit more desperate for business outside of their peak season. This means you can save 10% to 20% because they need your work. If you wait until the slower months, you can gain a nice savings on the entire project.

There are many other ways to save money on your home remodel. These are just some of the easiest tips to implement. Make sure you find other ways to save without cutting corners so that you can get the most out of your project without going over your budget.

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